Flying memes

Euruko 2010 and some CSS3 experiments

update 14/07/2010: featured my speaker showcase ! Here’s the post !

update 19/06/2010: my speakers showcase gets a dedicated post at euruko2010 official blog from Ela. Thanks guys !

Euruko 2010 is over. It was a great week-end spent among cool people having fun and talking about Ruby. As Matz said “we have a nice community”, and that’s absolutely true. To honor this conference (and to test some CSS3 features ^_^ ) I’ve developed a page showcasing the speakers and their talks. For each of them you may find a short summary and some resources (slide, etc..).

Working with CSS3 highlight some browser performances problem I was unaware before, for example I tried to have a scrolling background under a shadowed box, you can try this in your browser and notice how it is slow. However if we turn the shadows off the scrolling become smooth again (try this).

Ok, nothing left to say, hope you’ll enjoy the showcase:

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