Flying memes

Posts Tagged ‘Sencha’

WiPad 0.3, aka: how to handle permalinks

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

I’ve just committed the 0.3 version of WiPad, this new release introduce a new mechanism which helps handle permalinks. Having to deal with a single-file Sencha-based application made me pretty hard to figure out how to re-introduce permalink and give the opportunity to reach a single post using its url.


An iPad plugin theme for wordpress: working alpha

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Update 01/09/2010: WiPad is now published and available on the official WordPress plugin directory.

I’ve started deploying an iPad wordpress theme/plugin based on wptouch and powered by Sencha. Today I’ve reached the first working alpha and so I’ve decided to use it against this blog. You can try out this theme by surfing here with an iPad or a simulator; two screenshots are also available after the jump.
