NOTES FOR VACATING TENANTS: We understand how frustrating it is for tenants when they incur deductions to their deposit. We would therefore like to draw some commonly overlooked issues to your attention when you are getting ready to vacate the property. Cleaning The cleaning you need to do on exit is more than your normal “weekly clean.” The bathroom(s) and kitchen need to be deep cleaned including the inside and outside of all cupboards. Also see Kitchen Appliances below. Please be aware of the need to descale sinks etc. All mirrors and glass need to be cleaned. Shelves, skirting boards, mantelpieces, picture frames (if applicable) need to be wiped down and light fittings and light switches need to be dust free. If they were cleaned before you moved in, windows and carpets should be cleaned on exit. If you think this should not apply – maybe because you have not stayed in the property for long or if you have had them cleaned recently prior to moving out, then please discuss this with me. If the flat has been professionally cleaned prior to your occupation you will be expected to have it cleaned to the same standard when you leave. Light bulbs Please ensure that there are working light bulbs in all the light fittings in the property. If lights aren’t working then we have arrange for someone to replace them to ensure that the problem is simply a blown bulb and not a more significant problem with a light fitting. It is a disproportionate expense for you to incur in comparison with the cost of simply replacing blown light bulbs yourself. Personal Items Please don’t leave any unwanted personal items in the property. If you have a piece of furniture you don’t want to take by all means ask me if I would like it in the property, but if not it must be removed. The best solution is to contact the council and arrange for their “large items” collection service. The cost is extremely reasonable – much less than a commercial waste disposal service and some councils provide it free. Please don’t think it’s ok to leave small items either. If you don’t want it then you can be absolutely certain that I (and the next tenants) don’t want it. If you leave things behind I will have to call in a rubbish disposal service and in my experience they never charge less than £100 – sometimes significantly more if I have to get someone same day. Kitchen Appliances Please thoroughly clean the fridge, freezer and cooker to the same standard they were on your arrival. Fridges and freezers should be defrosted. Do not leave a fridge or freezer defrosting when you move out. This must be completed before you leave. Unplug fridges/freezers and leave the doors open. Washing machines and dishwashers should be wiped out and filters emptied and cleaned. Food Please do not leave any foodstuffs at all in the property – whether this is perishable food in the fridge, frozen food in the freezer or non-perishable food in the cupboards. This includes jars of herbs and spices, and salt and pepper mills. Curtains Please make sure that curtains are properly hung on the curtail rails/pole. If you have taken down curtains to replace them with your own while at the property you will need to re-hang the curtains belonging to the property – not simply leave them to be re-hung. The cost of me arranging for someone to do this is again disproportionate to the job. Windows If windows were cleaned prior to entry, they must be cleaned prior to departure. Heating Please leave the heating switched on but turn the thermostat down to a low setting (16 degrees). Inventory Please use the inventory you signed on entry to put the flat back to its original state including moving items back to their original position. Doors & Windows Ensure all doors and windows to the property are locked prior to departure and you have advised me where keys will be left. Meter Readings As you leave you should take a final meter reading for gas and electricity and advise your utility provider of the closing balance and where they should send your final bill. If the provider wants to know whose name to switch the account into you should give them your landlord’s name (you will find this on your tenancy agreement). Please email me with the final meter readings and the name of your utility provider. Council Tax and Water Charges You need to advise both the council and the water company of the final day you are responsible for the council tax and water rates. Remember that this may not be the day you leave the property but is the day until which you are responsible for the rent. So if you have paid your final months rent to 30th of the month but actually leave the property earlier than that date you are still liable for the charges until 30th of the month. Television, Telephone, Internet Services Please make sure you cancel any contract you have for television, telephone and internet services and make arrangements to pay any final bill. IN ALL CASES YOU WILL NEED TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE CLOSED THE VARIOUS ACCOUNTS PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY AND EITHER PAID OR MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO PAY FINAL BILLS BEFORE YOUR DEPOSIT CAN BE RETURNED. Ask If there is anything you are unsure about please ask in good time to give yourself every opportunity to resolve outstanding issues.