Flying memes

I’ve just checked in at WC2010 Johannesburg Stadium from home

June 12th, 2010

Thanks to Uncle Pear suggestion I realized that you can easily check-in in every Foursquare venue simply invoking its id using the API, to try this behavior I checked in at Johannesburg  WC2010 stadium from my home in Italy.

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Euruko 2010 and some CSS3 experiments

June 6th, 2010

update 14/07/2010: featured my speaker showcase ! Here’s the post !

update 19/06/2010: my speakers showcase gets a dedicated post at euruko2010 official blog from Ela. Thanks guys !

Euruko 2010 is over. It was a great week-end spent among cool people having fun and talking about Ruby. As Matz said “we have a nice community”, and that’s absolutely true. To honor this conference (and to test some CSS3 features ^_^ ) I’ve developed a page showcasing the speakers and their talks. For each of them you may find a short summary and some resources (slide, etc..).

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whymca 2010: so good!

May 23rd, 2010

Just a small post to thanks everyone who took part to whymca 2010 conference. I specially want to thanks people who attend my and Marco‘s talk ‘HTML5 come strumento di sviluppo mobile’. Finally many kudos to all the organizers who managed to set-up this amazing conference.

A semantic experiment for separate good from bad.

May 4th, 2010

Yesterday was sunday and I came up with a fascinating idea: what happens if I use wordnet to measure the distance between two words ? By assigning weights to all the relation types and by navigate this relations graph I thought to be able to measure the distance between a word and the others in terms of the minimum sum of weights of the edges between each pair made of the chosen word and another.

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Game of Life, introducing gray

April 2nd, 2010

During the last hour I modified my previous version of Game Of life trying to reproduce the same behavior using an analogic discriminator. Instead of counting the number of neighbours I elaborate their medium color and use this value to decide the next rgb combination of the cell.

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A Game of Life

March 20th, 2010

Everybody knows the popular Game of Life created by Jhon Conway and becamed famous after been published by Martin Gardner on Scientific American in 1970. It is essentially a cellular automation algorithm with a very few simple rules that determinate how to grow a pool of one-pixel-shaped organisms layed upon a 2D matrix.

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Language switch

March 3rd, 2010

After a lot of reasonings I come to the decision to switch the language of this blog from italian to english, this change is going to cost me more time every time I decide to post something but it will also work as a training center for my foreign language skills. Plus it is probable that most (if not all) of my current followers will keep reading and understand english posts while new non-italian readers may be attracted due to this change.

Abacus, Pierre Hérigone e la mnemotecnica

February 28th, 2010

Ho recentemente acquistato un libro che mi stà regalando una serie di spunti per interessanti approfondimenti e delle simpatiche occasioni per scrivere due righe di codice. Il libro in questione si chiama “Enigmi e giochi matematici” di Martin Gardner e raccoglie gli articoli che lo stesso Martin pubblicò negli anni sulla rivista Scientific American.

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Ruby linguistic, Wordnet e LinkParser su Snow Leopard

February 3rd, 2010

Update, 05/02/10: Ecco il link alle slide della presentazione! Ringrazio tutti i partecipanti alla bellissima serata!

Il prossimo giovedì (4 febbraio 2010) terrò un Lightning Talk al Ruby Social Club su alcuni strumenti interessanti che orbitano attorno al concetto di Natural Language Generation/Parsing. In particolare vedremo due librerie che consentono di interfacciarsi con  WordNet e Link-Grammar.

Non voglio svelare nulla dello speech in questo post (anche se sicuramente venerdi farò un update allegando le slide della presentazione) ma solamente fornire a coloro che lo ritengano utile le istruzioni su come installare tali librerie sul proprio Mac.

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Isocrono e Google Map API

January 18th, 2010

Un isocrono non è nient’altro che una curva che unisce su di una mappai punti che distano uno stesso intervallo temporale (a piedi, o con un mezzo di trasporto) da un punto dato. In questo articolo, che funge da approfondimento della homepage del progetto, vorrei entrare un pò nel merito del piccolo script da utilizzare per calcolare un’approssimazione di isocrono usando le API di Google Maps.

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